Ian has had an extensive professional career at Board level in both the public and private sectors. The business and analytical skills he has gained in his working life are being fully utilised in order to plan and deliver continued improvements across the Trust. Having had over twenty years’ experience as a governor, Ian is committed to supporting and positively challenging all members of the school community in order to fulfil their potential. He has recently gained the position of National Leader of Governance and is working with governing bodies on strategies to support and challenge their schools.
Ian leads on strategic developments to continue to drive overall school improvement through the promotion and delivery of a clear MAT vision and ethos. His aim is for every member of the MAT to deliver consistently outstanding education for its students and to play a key role within the local community.
Wade Deacon Trust
Birchfield Road
Tel: 0151 458 3400
Email: trust@wadedeacontrust.co.uk